Tag Archives: seasons


autumn-leaves A magical painter

goes around

without a coat or

any audible sound

throws paints of red

and brown

and yellow

on the leaves, the grass,

oh yes, the whole meadow

Makes clouds heavy with grey

and swish swish – blows


in a beautiful disarray

Sprinkles droplets

on webs of spiders

wets the boots

of children pedaling Striders

I know that painter

though beautiful still

he comes quietly

and comes with a chill

thus paving the way

for all to feel

That this bright kingdom of summer

has fallen

and autumn slowly

the radiant sun

has stolen!

And oh what woe awaits us!

A winter – long,

with cold

and snow and ice.

I sigh,

then close my eyes

my body shivers once, twice

But I hope

and long

and wait

for spring

when all the warmth and life

will definitely come with a zing!



Oh Spring! So long awaited! After six months of winter, though be it not a very cold one, but still dark, rainy and grey, the sun is shining again! The trees are showing off their new leaves, the spring  flowers blooming – tulips, crocuses, narciss, all scattering their yellows, lilacs and whites on the newly grown grass! My soul is warming, my heart is jumping with hope and joy – the hope of a lovely summer, of a new year bringing better prospects, of warm nights filled with the company of family and friends, and new journeys, of course!

Just the other day I sat down in the sun at a cafe by the water in central Stockholm, closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth, holding my husband’s hand, our daughter sleeping peacefully in her stroller. As D.H. Lawrence says:

I am amazed at this spring, this conflagration
Of green fires lit on the soil of the earth, this blaze
Of growing, and sparks that puff in wild gyration,
Faces of people streaming across my gaze.