Tag Archives: happiness

Work, life, purpose

light womanI have started working now and I am busy. I like it. I found a sense of purpose again. A sense of purpose, that goes beyond the household duties at home or taking care of my daughter and my husband.

I am busy. I wake up every morning and feel a little bit stressed. I like a little bit of stress – keeps you up on your toes. I went from not having a job to having two jobs – I teach kids part-time (paid) and I do Digital Communications for a company part-time (unpaid). I think money is important but not that important. When I was a salaried employee whatever money I received at the end of the month, I spent. Paid my bills, bought a frock or two or some shoes, went out with friends, paid for a holiday abroad. I am always surprised when people tell me they have saved a lot of money. I admire them, of course, but I do not seem to be able to save that much. I have been able to save some – for a long trip I would like to do for example, but for nothing big such as saving to buy a house.

I have never pursued money as a goal in itself. I believe that the most important things in life are happiness and experience. I have worked many times without getting paid just because I believed the job was interesting and/ or contributes to society. Of course, it is great to be able to pay the bills at the end of each month and not having to worry about it. So may be if we can find a perfect balance between making money and really enjoying the job we do, it will be perfect!

My job with the Digital Communications is with social entrepreneurs and I love the feeling I get working with them! Apart from learning more about the field I get inspired. I just got inspired yesterday learning about SV Africa – a project in Ghana teaching young people how to make solar panels and earn a living. I wanted to help right away, go to the field and meet the participants. I got inspired listening to how different companies incorporate sustainability in their business the day before. I love to get inspired! Every day if possible.