Category Archives: winter blues

Leave your worries behind

Dark times are coming. Winter descends upon us with grey cloudy days, the trees tremble naked in the cold, the drizzling raindrops land on my face. My daughter has already said good bye to the dead flowers, and now there is not even mushrooms for her to kick around….In times like this you just want to cocoon at home with a nice book, light some caSONY DSCndles, take a long warm bath, or just hug that little warm bundle of happiness that is your child, wrap around a blanket and watch some fairy tales.

In times like this there is not much to be done – we just have to go through it.This is when I start to leave my worries behind. Start looking forward to Christmas. Not so much as a time for presents but as a time for family. Baking together, cooking together and just in general being together and talking about sweet little nothings. A nice wrap up of the year. The end of that year. You know it is ending, and it kind of is not a good time for new beginnings. But you are very hopeful for the new year, of course, and what it will bring.

And then I always dream of a sun and beach getaway around this time of year. For me getting on a plane to travel has always been a time to leave my worries behind. As the plane lifts off, you feel lighter. Focus on that new place you are going, or anyways a different place from where you reside. You are excited, exhilarated, and even a jetlag cannot ruin that experience. You will lie on the beach for days and days and let the sun caress your body. Swim with your loved ones and chase Nemo fish in the azure water. Feast on shellfish for dinner, while your eyes feast on happy local colors and the luscious green of the palm trees. And just enjoy that moment. Leave your worries behind…..Steal a coconut from the tree nearby and laugh at the camels pooping on the beach. Shadow your eyes as you look at the white lace architecture of the buildings there. Dream a little. Just leave your worries behind.