Running and making new friends


I am an outdoors person.I love nature, the sea, the mountains, plants, trees, grass. I prefer to run outside or bike, or dance than to go to the gym. But I do go to the gym – classes mostly because this is what fits my personality. I do try to run 5  km or 10 km marathons when I can. I know – not a big deal for people who run the 40 km marathons but a big deal for me. I do it in order to have a goal to train for. But in the end I always go for the fun of it, especially when I run with a team. So this year I signed up for Tjejmilen in September –  a 10 km marathon. But then a friend of mine said she is looking for a team to do The Color Run in August. I signed up and came up with the name of the team – Summer Blue. I met the rest of the girls for the first time two days before the event. Our common friend could not come and run, but we had a blast and made new friends. Running is that simple. And the color party was so much fun! Even though I could not get the pink out of my hair inspite of washing it twice. A week later I still have pink in my hair. It is a good reminder of the fun I had.


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